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2013, 6

K. Pylypenko, A. Prodeus

Noise impact assessment on the accuracy of the determination of speaker’s gender by using method of the cumulant coefficients

language: Russian

received 26.06.2013, published 14.08.2013

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The estimation of effect of an additive noise and measurement error on accuracy of classification of a speaker’s gender on the basis of cumulant coefficients of analyzed speech signal is made. The expediency of adaptive system development taking masking of a speech signal by noise into account is shown. Comparison of the proposed method of classification of the speaker's gender to competing methods shows that the proposed method provides better classification accuracy, demonstrates stability to the effects of noise interference and is much simpler for technical implementation.

Key words: digital signal processing, speech signal, speaker classification, cumulant coefficients.

10 pages, 5 figures

Сitation: K. Pylypenko, A. Prodeus. Noise impact assessment on the accuracy of the determination of speaker’s gender by using method of the cumulant coefficients. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2013, 6.


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Kostyantyn Pylypenko Graduated from NTUU "KPI" in 2009 with a degree “Acoustic devices and systems”. Since 2010 - assistant professor of the department of acoustics and acoustoelectronics.

e-mail: k.pylypenko(at)


Arkady Prodeus graduated from the KPI in 1972 with a degree "Electroacoustics and ultrasonic technology". Since 2001 - at the Department of acoustics and acoustic electronics. Doctor of technical science, professor.