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Acoustics design of open-plan offices: a short review
language: English
received 21.11.2010, published 08.02.2011
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The paper reports on a literature review of the relationship between acoustics and satisfaction in the open-plan office, conducted with the aim of developing empirically derived recommendations for satisfactory acoustic condition. First of all, this paper reviews historically the physical background of the model involving this subject by focusing on both theoretical and experimental implications. Then some popular models which have been published within nearly decades are investigated. In the last section, a theoretical model based on the Modal analysis which contains all features such geometry scattering of sound waves from walls is proposed.
Keywords: open-plan office, acoustic conditions.
7 pages, 0 figures
Сitation: Jalil Olia, Vahid Afshinmehr. Acoustics design of open-plan offices: a short review. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2011, 2.
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Jalil Olia PhD, assistant professor at Iran University of Science & Technology, School of Architecture and Environmental Design jolia(at) |
Vahid Afshinmehr, member of department architectural engineering at Payame Nour University, PhD student at Iran University of Science & Technology vafshinmehr(at) |