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The influence of sound on heat transfer in gases
language: English
received 12.03.2014, published 21.05.2014
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A large amount of experimental data illustrating the influence of sound on temperature processes has accumulated in industry and technology research. The Ranque effect, the Hartmann-Sprenger effect and the temperature separation inside a short vortex chamber (performed by the author) also belong to this class of phenomena. None of these effects can be explained by conventional heat transfer processes. The concept of Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves (PGEW) is proposed and proved. The concept gives a physical description of the heat transfer in these processes. A PGEW is a special type of elastic wave arising in compressible media (gas) with a pressure gradient in the presence of density fluctuations (sound). The most important property of this kind of elastic wave is that it transfers energy from a low pressure zone to a high pressure one.
Keywords: PGEW (Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves), temperature separation, Ranque effect, Hartmann-Sprenger effect, vortex chamber, heat transfer, energy saving, low potential heat utilization.
13 pages, 2 figures
Сitation: Yan Beliavsky. The influence of sound on heat transfer in gases. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2014, 6.
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Yan Beliavsky - physicist (Ph.D.), graduated Byelorussian University, Minsk , 1971. Executive Director (R&D) and owner of Super Fine Ltd., Israel. The company develops Vortex Mills for fine powders production. Dr. Beliavsky is author of numerous articles and reports, 60 USSR patents and two international patents. Research interests include: heat transfer, fine powders production, vortex apparatus. e-mail: pgewave(at) |