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2002, 15

Z. Chama, M. E. Louhibi, M. F. Belbachir, A. Djebbari

Two dimensional signal reconstruction from its spectral phase

language: English

received 14.08.2002, published 19.12.2002

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In this paper, a new algorithm of image reconstruction from the phase of its Fourier transform is presented. It uses the eigenfilter method to approximate a given phase response in the least square sense. This method has proved its efficiency as the iterative methods. An example will be given to show the importance of this algorithm and the high image reconstruction quality.

6 pages, 2 figures

Сitation: Z. Chama, M. E. Louhibi, M. F. Belbachir, A. Djebbari. Two dimensional signal reconstruction from its spectral phase. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2002, 15.


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Chama Zouaoui was born in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. He received the Dipl.El.-Ing. degree, the Master degree, and the these d'etat from the University of Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, respectively in 1991, 1994 and 2002. Since 1994, he is at the Dept of Electronics of the SBA University, where he is a teaching member of Electronic Department in University of Sidi Bel-Abbes. Currently, he is a assistant professor and scientist researcher in Telecommunication and Signal Processing Laboratory in SBA University, where he is pursuing independent research on fast digital and image reconstruction algorithms, phase retrieval and magnitude retrieval problems.
e-mail: zchama(at)


Mohamed El Hadi Louhibi was born in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, On March 5, 1957. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and M.Phil in Industrial technology from Bradford university, England in June 1981 and December 1984. Doctor degree in electrical and electronic engineering in January 2001 from Sidi Bel Abbes university. He joined the oil refinery SONATRACH of Arzew, Algeria in March 1985 and has been engaged as engineer in project’s development of the company, and joined the university of Sidi Bel Abbes as senior teacher and has been engaged in research activities in the field of control systems. He has been nominated Vice-President of the university taking in charge of post-graduation and scientific research in April 2002.


Bel Bachir Mohamed Faouzi was born in Oran, Algeria. He received the Dipl.El.-Ing. degree, the Master degree, and the these d'etat from the University of Science and Technology of Oran USTO (ORAN, Algeria) respectively in 1976, 1984 and 1991. Since 1981, he is at the Dept of Electronics of USTO. He is currently interested by the filter design and the image processing.


Djebbari Ali was born in Sidi Lahcen (Sidi Bel Abbes), Algeria. He received the Dipl.El.-Ing. degree from USTO (ORAN, Algeria) in 1988, the Master degree from Sidi Bel Abbes University in 1991, and the Doctorat es Science degree from USTO (ORAN, Algeria) in 1997. Since 1991, he is on the Dept of Electronics at the University of Sidi Bel Abbes. Currently he is a scientist director of the Telecommunication and Digital Signal Processing Laboratory. His Research interests include wireless networks, signal processing for telecommunications , communication over multipath and fading channel, Orthogonal Multi-Carrier CDMA, Wide band CDMA, Channel coding for telecommunications.