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Relations between dwelling price and noise factor in Moscow
language: Russian
received 03.05.2002, published 23.05.2002
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This article summarizes empirical data on the dependence of housing market prices on the secondary market in Moscow and on the noise level at the front of buildings. The influence of noise on the price of dwellings obtains if the equivalent daily noise level on a house front is about 60 dBAeq and becomes significant when it reaches 75 dBAeq. The dependence of the rate of declining market prices on the level of noise at the front can be approximated rather well by a quadratic expression within 45-75 dBAeq range.
A number of related problems, particularly the problem of the construction of adequate quantitative estimates of individual and population noise loads ("doses") for urban (external) sources of dwellings noise pollution is also considered, as well as measures for such indices. The article also discusses the problem of economic estimates of the urban noise factor and methods of using enumerated indices in different situations.
10 pages, 1 figure
Сitation: Leonid Dunayevsky. Relations between dwelling price and noise factor in Moscow. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2002, 4.
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Leonid Dunayevsky, Ph.D. (Math.), chief of the Ecological Economy Department of the Moscow Center of Electromagnetic Safety. Author of 3 monographs, about 80 articles, and 40 reports on the ecological economy, including the urban noise economy. |