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2014, 7

A. Gavrilov, O. Savitskiy, D. Timoshenko

Scattering field of the sound beam by a thin layer of homogeneous inclusion

language: Russian

received 28.04.2014, published 29.05.2014

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Amplitude and phase characteristic joint analysis of the scattered field in sound beam model was carried out for the uniform monolayer inclusions. Obtained results can be applied in the methods and sonar apparatuses development for the gas-polluted sea floor areas search and its characteristics measurements.
Key words: amplitude and phase characteristics, the scattered field, sound beam, homogeneous inclusions.

9 pages, 2 figures

Сitation: A. Gavrilov, O. Savitskiy, D. Timoshenko. Scattering field of the sound beam by a thin layer of homogeneous inclusion. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2014, 7.


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Alexander Gavrilov - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, a head of physics department at Engineer-Technological Academy - Southern Federal University, Taganrog (ETA SFU)

e-mail: gavr_am(at)


Oleg Savitskiy - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), Senior Scientist of the N. N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute, Head of the "Centre for Integrated Marine Research", SFEDU

e-mail: osav66(at)


Dmitrij Timoshenko - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), docent of physics department at Engineer-Technological Academy - Southern Federal University, Taganrog (ETA SFU)

e-mail: dmitrytim(at)