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On pseudo-noise appearing during propagation of seismic wave in granulated medium
language: Russian
received 21.07.2009, published 13.08.2009
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It was found experimentally that propagation of seismic waves in granulated medium is accompanied with noise. The level of this noise does not depend on the probing signal frequency and is distinctly determined by signal level. Noise generation is caused by mutual friction of granulated particles and is mostly linked with granules friction on a geophone surface.
Key words: granulated medium, sand, pseudonoise, granules friction
5 pages, 5 figures
Сitation: Gushchin V. V., Rubtsov S. N. On pseudo-noise appearing during propagation of seismic wave in granulated medium. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2009, 7.
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Vladimir V. Gushchin, Ph.D., Leading Researcher at Radiophysical Research Institute, Scientific areas: radiophysics, acoustics, seismic acoustics. e-mail: guvladimir(at) |
Sergey N. Rubtsov, Senior Researcher at Radiophysical Research Institute. Scientific areas: radiophysics, nonlinear acoustics, seismic acoustics. |