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2003, 21

Abdelhafid Kaddour, J. M Rouvaen, M. F. Belbachir

Simulation and visualization of loudspeaker's sound fields

language: English

received 04.12.2003, published 28.12.2003

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The visualization of sound fields is useful for understanding the directional features of sound radiation by an electro-acoustic transducer. The aim of this work is to present a numerical technique named here the Convolution Method (CM) for the simulation of sound pressure field radiated by a loudspeaker which is represented by the simple concept of vibrating rigid piston located in a baffle. Computational and visualization program is developed for sound fields emitted by such transducer. The numeric results of simulation for normalized contour surface map of acoustic pressure field are shown. For comparing simulation results, the transverse acoustical beam section of sound pressure field produced by an electrodynamical loudspeaker is measured using intensimetry techniques.

Keywords: loudspeaker, sound field, convolution method, simulation, measurements, visualization.

7 pages, 4 figures

Сitation: Abdelhafid Kaddour, J. M Rouvaen, M. F. Belbachir. Simulation and visualization of loudspeaker's sound fields. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2003, 21.


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Abdelhafid Kaddour was born in Tlemcen , Algeria. He received the Eng. Degree in Electronics and the Magister Degree in Electroacoustics and Signal Processing from the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Algeria. Since 1982 he is a teaching member at the Department of Electronics, U.S.T.O. His current research interest includes audio engineering and visualization of acoustic fields.

e-mail: kaddour_a(at)


Jean Michel Rouvaen was born in 1947, France. He received the Doctorat es Science degree from University of Paris VI in 1976. Currently, he is a Professor of Electronics at ENSI of mechanical energetic, Valenciennes. His research interests include applications of signal processing for telecommunications, ultrasounds, and radar.


Belbachir Mohamed Faouzi was born in Oran, Algeria. He received the Dipl.El.-Ing. degree, the Master degree, and the these d'etat from the University of Science and Technology of Oran USTO (ORAN, Algeria) respectively in 1976, 1984 and 1991. Since 1981, he is at the Dept of Electronics of USTO. He is currently interested by the filter design and the image processing.