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2011, 10

V. Khmelev, A. Shalunov, R. Golykh, A. Shalunova

Optimal modes and conditions of ultrasonic effect for atomization of viscous liquids

language: Russian

received 09.09.2011, published 27.09.2011

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The process of low-frequency (up to 130 kHz) cavitational ultrasonic atomization of viscous liquids in a layer with the supplying the acoustic energy via liquid is studied. The mathematical model is proposed and developed to evaluate the optimal modes (frequency and amplitude) and conditions (thickness of the liquid layer) of ultrasound treatment, depending on the physical properties of the liquid (viscosity, surface tension, etc.). The model describes the gradual transformation of the mechanical energy into capillary waves energy that provides the formation of droplets. The results can be used for design of specialized ultrasonic atomizers for viscous liquids.

Key words: ultrasound, atomization, viscous liquids.

15 pages, 11 figures

Сitation: V. Khmelev, A. Shalunov, R. Golykh, A. Shalunova. Optimal modes and conditions of ultrasonic effect for atomization of viscous liquids. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2011, 10.


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Vladimir Khmelev is deputy director at Biysk technological institute, professor, doctor of science. He is a honored inventor of Russia and Laureate of Russian Government premium for achievements in science and engineering. Area of scientific interests is application of ultrasound for an intensification of technological processes.

e-mail: vnh(at)


Andrey Shalunov Ph.D, received degree on information measuring engineering and technologies from Biysk Technological Institute of AltSTU. Research interest is development software for ultrasonic technological devices.

e-mail: shalunov(at)


Roman Golykh is a student of Biysk Technological Institute (branch of Altai State Technical University), speciality «Information Systems Engineering», student Member IEEE. Area of research interests is mathematical modeling of technological processes under the influence of ultrasonic oscillations in various mediums.


Anna Shalunova is a post-graduate student at Biysk Technological Institute (branch of Altai State Technical University). Research interests are modeling and study of liquids ultrasonic atomization processes.