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2003, 10

German A. Maksimov, Aleksei V. Radchenko

Modeling of oil production intensification at acoustical treatment from a well

language: Russian

received 30.03.2003, published 29.04.2003

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A successfulness of acoustical stimulation (AS) application in oil production depends on a set of factors, among which it is possible to dedicate filtration-capacity properties of medium, viscosity of porous fluid, initial and current values of formation pressure, history variation of flow rate. However even a great amount of accumulated statistical information about application of the AS method and experience of the specialists can’t guarantee the positive result of ultrasonic treatment, don’t speaking even about quantitative estimation of possible effect of AS. By this reason the development of quantitative mathematical model describing the physical phenomena in porous permeable medium accompanied the AS is an actual problem.

The model of possible physical mechanism resulting in oil output intensification from a well at acoustical stimulation is considered. The porous fluid is presupposed as consisted of light and heavy hydrocarbonaceous phases, which are in a thermodynamic equilibrium. Filtration or acoustical stimulation can change equilibrium balance between phases so the heavy phase can be precipitated on pores walls or dissolved. The given model allows us to reproduce the basic features of fluid filtration from a well before, during and after acoustical stimulation.

16 pages, 8 figures

Сitation: German A. Maksimov, Aleksei V. Radchenko. Modeling of oil production intensification at acoustical treatment from a well. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2003, 10.


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German A. Maksimov, PhD, vice-head of the department «Modeling of physical process in an environment» at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University). The field of scientific interests is related with propagation wave theory in heterogeneous and relaxing media, well geophysics problems and theory of diffraction and scattering wave fields on rough surfaces. He is the author of more then 100 publications on the mentioned themes.

E-mail: maximov(at)


Aleksei V. Radchenko, researcher at the department «Modeling of physical process in an environment», Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University). Scientific area is acoustical treatment for oil production. He has 5 publications on this problem.

E-mail: aradchenko(at)