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2014, 9

V. V. Mitsianok

About the physical structure of sounds Z and ZH (soft and hard)

language: Russian

received 26.09.2014, published 04.11.2014

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The method of approximation is used for decomposition of the sounds Z and ZH (hard and soft) of human speech on the set of the different frequencies partial waves. It is shown, that some of this waves behave regularly, some of waves randomly flashed and immediately fades, some of waves are modulated by the half of frequency of the first regular mode. There are assumptions that these peculiarities of partial waves behavior is the reason of phenomena of formants. An explanation of the difficulties of speech recognition techniques based on Fourier transforms is given. Several probability-based criterions for distinguishing the above sounds and distinguish people pronouncing the sounds above are suggested.

Keywords: automatic speech recognition, digital signal processing, pattern recognition, human voice.

15 pages, 4 figures

Сitation: V. V. Mitsianok. About the physical structure of sounds Z and ZH (soft and hard). Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2014, 9.


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Viachaslau V. Mitsianok , born 1951., Ph.D., associate professor at Mathematics & Computer Science department of Polessian St. Univ., Belorussia. Dissertation (1975) was devoted to the problems of the motion of bodies in General Relativity. Scientific interests is in theoretical physics, theory of Variable stars, mathematical processing of signals, image recognition.

e-mail: mitsianok(at)