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2008, 15

V. V. Mitsianok

Approximation technique for numerical description of some low-frequency sounds of speech

language: Russian

received 15.05.2008, published 04.08.2008

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A method for speech recognition is suggested. It is based on approximation of not perfect periodical function with a set of modes with slowly (with respect to carrier frequencies) varying amplitudes. The technique is applied to analysis of eight low-frequency sounds of speech from eight respondents. The database for amplitudes of separated modes is created and the system for identification of eight low-frequency sounds is developed. Testing of the system shows the level of recognition is 85-95 percents.

Key words: speech recognition, approximation.

11 pages, 1 figure

Сitation: V. V. Mitsianok. Approximation technique for numerical description of some low-frequency sounds of speech. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2008, 15.


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Vyacheslav Mitsianok born on 17 of Sept., 1951 in Belarus. Graduate Byelorussian State Univ. in 1971 in theoretical physics. Post-graduate course 1971-1974 at Academy of Science of Belarus. PhD from 1975. At present Docent of Mathematics in Polessian State Univ. Pinsk, Belarus.

e-mail: mitsianok(at)