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Three-phase piezoelectric composite for the gauge registration of arterial pulse waves
language: Russian
received 09.06.2003, published 08.07.2003
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Features of three-phase piezoelectric composite development for artery pulsation wave registration detectors are considered. Piezoelectric composite is formed of polyvinyldenfluoride, epon resin and lead-zirconate-titanate class piezoceramic. It is shown, that composites with piezosensitive g33=0.1–0.35 Vm/N and elasticity module Е=(0.7–1.5)1010Н/м2 are efficient piezomaterials for development of registration detectors for artery pulsation wave.
5 pages, 3 figures
Сitation: M. A. Kurbanov, M. A. Ramazanov, G. M. Geydarov. Three-phase piezoelectric composite for the gauge registration of arterial pulse waves. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2003, 14.
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Mirza Abdul Kurbanov — professor, a head of laboratory at Institute of Physics (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences). Scientific area — physics of composite materials, development of physico-technological bases for active composites and transducers including medical purposes. |
Mahammadali Ahmed Ramazanov — PhD, principal researcher at Institute of Physics (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences). Scientific area — physics of composite materials, development of physico-technological bases for active composites and transducers including medical purposes. e-mail: mamedr(at) |
Gasim Mazakhir Geydarov — research fellow and programmer at Institute of Physics (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences). Scientific area — biological and medical devices and systems, development of primary sensing elements for medical purposes on the basis of active materials. e-mail: Gasim-G(at) |