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2008, 11

S. Reuka

Acoustic field in a liquid wave-guide with impedance boundary conditions

language: Russian

received 15.04.2008, published 30.04.2008

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Experimental research of an acoustic field of ultrasonic impulse in a liquid wave-guide with realistic (impedance) boundary conditions is presented. Distribution of velocity amplitude over cross-section of hydrowave guides with various diameter and lengths are shown. Impulse shapes in various points of wave guide cross-section are also presented. The results are compared with a field of impulse in the unbounded environment, and with data of numerical modelling.

Key words: ultrasound, ultrasonic impulse, stream waveguide.

9 pages, 19 figures

Сitation: S. Reuka. Acoustic field in a liquid wave-guide with impedance boundary conditions. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2008, 11.


1. С. В. Реука. Особенности прохождения ультразвуковым импульсом гидроволновода с неоднородными граничными условиями. Электронный журнал «Техническая акустика»,, 2008, 5.
2. С. К. Паврос, С. В. Реука. Исследование распространения ультразвукового импульса в струйном неоднородном волноводе. Дефектоскопия, 2008, №3


Sergey Reuka is a post-graduate of electroacoustics and ultrasonic department at the Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, leading expert at US-Constanta Ltd. General scientific interests: guided waves, ultrasonic transducers.

e-mail: ayo(at)