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2010, 12

Shchurov V. A., Kuleshov V. P., Tkachenko H. S.

Vortices of acoustic intensity in shallow sea

language: Russian

received 05.08.2010, published 26.08.2010

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The energy transfer from wide band source in a frequency range 50…1000 Hz at the distances from source 1000…5000 m and sea depth 120 m was studied in real shallow sea. The experimental research was carried out using a single combined receiver located in the depth of 70 m. The following quantities were calculated: acoustic pressure, real and imaginary parts of the orthogonal components of intensity, phase differences between acoustic pressure and components of the particle velocity. It was found that changes of the direction of the real part of the vertical intensity component by 180 degrees occur at interferential minima of acoustic pressure. The phase difference between acoustic pressure and components of the particle velocity has shift by 180 degrees at these locations. The experimental results show that there are intensity vortices, which transfer acoustic energy in shallow sea. The paper presents experimental results for the frequency 90 Hz. The experiments were carried out in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan. The multiple experiments showed that vortex structure exists in frequency band 50…1000 Hz at the distances up to 5000 m.

Key words: acoustic intensity, combined receivers, intensity vortex, acoustics of shallow sea.

6 pages, 3 figures

Сitation: Shchurov V. A., Kuleshov V. P., Tkachenko H. S.. Vortices of acoustic intensity in shallow sea. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2010, 12.


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Vladimir Shchurov - professor, Ph.D. in Physics, a head of Acoustic Ocean Sounds Department at Pacific Institute of Oceanology named after V.I. Ilichev of Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences ( Research interests: vector acoustics of the ocean.

e-mail: shchurov(at)


Vladimir Kuleshov - senior researcher of Acoustic Underwater Research Center at Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy. Research interests: experimental research of the ocean by the vector acoustic methods, analysis of the experimental data.


Elena Tkachenko - leading engineer of Acoustic Ocean Sounds Department at Pacific Institute of Oceanology named after V.I. Ilichev of Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, ( Research interests: experimental research of the ocean by the vector acoustic methods, analysis of the experimental data.