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2016, 2

S. Shevtsov, Е. Mazur

Acoustics of the Sophia-Uspensky cathedral in Tobolsk

language: Russian

received 21.03.2016, published 23.06.2016

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The paper describes the results of acoustic survey of St. Sophia-Uspensky Cathedral in Tobolsk - the oldest in Siberia and in the Far East. The studied acoustic parameters are processed according to the ISO 3382 in the situations of empty church and full with people. Influence of filling of the church with parishioners on speech intelligibility is considered in connection with the specifics of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Key words: room acoustics, Orthodox Church.

15 pages, 17 figures

Сitation: S. Shevtsov, Е. Mazur. Acoustics of the Sophia-Uspensky cathedral in Tobolsk. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2016, 2.


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Stanislav Shevtsov graduated from the Ural state Conservatory named after M. P. Musorgsky (1999) and St. Petersburg University of Cinema and Television. PhD from the Taganrog Institute of Technology (Southern Federal University) in 2006. Presently supervisor of acoustic laboratory at the Ural state Conservatory and the College of Russian culture.

E-mail: s_shevtsov(at)


Ekaterina Mazur graduated from the College of Russian culture named after A. S. Znamenskyin in 2016. Presently she studies acoustics of churches and concert halls in Siberia.