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2005, 34

O.P. Skljarov

Scenario of the acoustical speech rhythms as a tool for researching of brain functioning

language: Russian

received 18.10.2005, published 15.11.2005

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Possible speech rhythms form a set or scenario of rhythms. In this scenario there are both regular rhythms and chaotic rhythms. Regular rhythms correspond both to child speech rhythm and to fluency disorders like repetitions occurring in stuttering speech. Chaotic rhythms correspond to the fluent speech of normal speakers. Each rhythm corresponds to its control parameter in scenario. This control parameter is proportional to the inhibitory activity, i.e. to relative number of inhibitory neurons emitting spikes per second in the given link of neural structures' hierarchy responsible for arising of the given rhythm. Rhythm complication occurs due to the increasing of inhibitory level in neural hierarchy. For example, the first complication of the basic phonetic rhythm occurs due to increasing inhibition from the side of striatum on pallidum. Further rhythms complications, up to chaotic rhythms, have place due to increasing inhibition from the cortex onto subcortical structures of different kind. In addition to the inhibition activity, there is excitatory activity, i.e. relative number of excitatory neurones emitting spikes per second in given neural ensemble concerning the emotion sphere, supposedly. This activity can reveal itself either as interaction between subcortical structures of the same level of neural hierarchy in form of emotional state of speaker, or as hemicerebrum interactions at the shaping of syllabic-synharmonic rhythm typical for the normally organised speech. These features of rhythmic and emotional behaviour of the speaker allow us to establish that the scenario of the acoustical speech rhythms is a tool for researching of brain functioning

8 pages, 2 figures

Сitation: O.P. Skljarov. Scenario of the acoustical speech rhythms as a tool for researching of brain functioning. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2005, 34.


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Oleg Skljarov received the BS degree in 1970, and the PhD degree in 1975 from Physical Faculty of the St.Petersburg State University (Russia). In 1975-1982, he worked at State Optical Institute as a scientific researcher. In 1982-1990 he was a chief of scientific sector in the Acoustical Department of the Telecommunication Company. Since 1990, he was been a Senior Scientific Researcher at Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose & Speech. In 2000 he received the Doctoral degree of Physical-and-Mathematical Sciences from St. Petersburg State University. His research interests included soft computing (neural networks and dynamical chaos); critical behaviour of speech rhythm in both theory and applied aspect (correction of the stuttering); and non-linear phenomena in both biology and acoustics of speech.