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2005, 2

N.Ivina, A.Tagiltsev

An analysis of the eigenvibrations of disc flexible piezoelectric transducers with arbitrary ratio of dimensions

language: Russian

received 06.02.2004, published 28.01.2005

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The problem of transversal oscillations of disc bimorph transducer (which consists of two active piezoelectric elements mounted on passive carrier plate) with arbitrary ratio of piezoelectric discs and plates dimensions is solved by finite element method. Two cases of boundary conditions are considered under calculations: the first one is for free edge and the second one is for fixed edge. The computed resonant frequencies and distribution of the displacement along the radius, and dynamic electromechanical coupling coefficient as a function of dimensions and materials of the transducer are analysed. The dimensions of transducer components providing maximum value of electromechanical coupling coefficient are presented.

9 pages, 7 figures

Сitation: N.Ivina, A.Tagiltsev. An analysis of the eigenvibrations of disc flexible piezoelectric transducers with arbitrary ratio of dimensions. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2005, 2.


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Natal’ya Ivina graduated from Far East Technical University (former Far Еast Polytechnical Institute) in 1971. Doctor of technical sciences, professor. Scientific area – computed simulation of piezoelectric transducers oscillations by finite element methods. Author of more then 50 articles and the monograph in this area.


Alexander Tagiltsev graduated from Far East Technical University (former Far Еast Polytechnical Institute) in 1972. PhD. Scientific area – acoustic measurements, acoustic transducers and their application for underwater acoustics. Author of more then 60 published papers and 7 inventions.

e-mail: atagiltsev(at)