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Acoustic emission sensors modeling and calibration by forces of Coulomb
language: Russian
received 15.02.2021, published 10.04.2021
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The convenient program EMTLab is applied to mathematical modeling of distribution and reception of ultrasonic pulses allowing to make the equivalent circuit of the acoustic emission sensor and to receive its response to a pulse signal. For this, practically and mathematically, along with reference methods, a low-pressure shock tube is used - the Heaviside function, spark discharge or explosive boiling - the Dirac function, Coulomb forces - a segment of a harmonic function with a constant displacement. It is shown that the calibration and real acoustic signals of the discharge processes coincide with those obtained by the program. Therefore, for acoustically simple energy objects, it is possible to simulate the transient function of the medium, restoring the initial impulse. The application of ponderomotive forces for the generation of ultrasound at the second harmonic of the applied voltage is considered, which increases the noise immunity of measurements. It is shown that electrification of a dielectric film can interfere with measurements.
Key words: electromechanical analogies, impulse transient function of the sensor, transient function of the medium, acoustics of discharge processes, electrostriction.
10 pages, 7 figures
Сitation: S. Tsvetaev. Acoustic emission sensors modeling and calibration by forces of Coulomb. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2021, 2.
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Sergey Tsvetaev graduated from Moscow physical and technical institute (Russia) in 1968, PhD. Scientific area: solid state physics, acoustics and electronics. |