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On the theory of acoustical emission accompanying gas filtration by partially fluid-saturated medium
language: Russian
received 31.12.2004, published 16.02.2005
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The physical mechanism of acoustical emission accompanying gas filtration through a partially fluid-saturated porous medium (when capillary walls are wetted by liquid) is proposed. Spectrum characteristics of radiated elastic compression waves are calculated and the obtained results are plotted. The calculation data enable one to predict the percentage of the captured fluid mass in a real porous medium. Acoustical emission signals caused by gas filtration in a reservoir should be recorded by geophones located in bore holes and their spectra should be analyzed.
11 pages, 4 figures
Сitation: Yu. M. Zaslavsky. On the theory of acoustical emission accompanying gas filtration by partially fluid-saturated medium. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2005, 5.
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Yuriy Mikhaylovich Zaslavsky graduated radio-physical faculty of N.Novgorod University (1966), doctor of science, leader scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Science. e-mail: zaslav(at) |