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2012, 6

Yu. M. Zaslavsky, V.Yu. Zaslavsky

Simulation of acoustic pulse incident on the ground surface from the atmospher

language: Russian

received 09.11.2012, published 05.12.2012

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3-D numerical simulation of acoustic pulse propagation in atmosphere toward the ground boundary is performed. The location of the source at the some height over the ground surface, the uniform atmosphere and the smooth stratification by air density are included into the simulation. The visual imagines of the pressure spatial distribution over the wave front of the acoustic pulse are presented and discussed. The results may be used to increase the efficiency of the seismic waves being generated for the investigations of the Earth entrails.

Key words: acoustic pulse, stratification, atmosphere, computer simulation, sound propagation

10 pages, 7 figures

Сitation: Yu. M. Zaslavsky, V.Yu. Zaslavsky. Simulation of acoustic pulse incident on the ground surface from the atmospher. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2012, 6.


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Yuriy Mikhaylovich Zaslavsky graduated radio-physical faculty of N.Novgorod University (1966), doctor of science, leader scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Science.

Scientific interests: acoustic and seismic wave propagation and radiation of these waves by coherent vibration sources, generation of seismic waves with sharp space-angle directivity on the base of phase arrays, the seismic signal reception, acoustic probing of heterogeneous in bowels of the earth, developing of the approaches for the enhancement of hydro-carbonates seismic probing efficiency.

e-mail: zaslav(at)


Vladislav Zaslavsky - PhD, Radiophysical faculty of Nizhny Novgorod State University.

e-mail: zas-vladislav(at)