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2013, 9

V. Kezik

Forced axisymmetric oscillations of round membrane, which is a part of acoustic oscillatory system

language: Russian

received 19.09.2013, published 29.10.2013

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Forced axisymmetric oscillations of a round membrane with taking into account dissipative losses are considered. The method for calculating an acoustic oscillatory system, which includes a round membrane is suggested The idea of the method is that the membrane is modeled by the equivalent piston with parameters depending on frequency of forced excitation of the system. The parameters of the equivalent piston are defined from the condition of identity of laws of the motion of the "averaged" membrane and the equivalent piston, placed to the place of the membrane. "Averaged" membrane is the flat surface in the middle position of points of the membrane (it is determined from the equilibrium position), which can be calculated in each moment of time. The problem of forced oscillations of the round membrane of a drum is solved as an example.

Keywords: round membrane, forced oscillations, acoustic oscillatory system, drum.

12 pages, 5 figures

Сitation: V. Kezik. Forced axisymmetric oscillations of round membrane, which is a part of acoustic oscillatory system. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2013, 9.


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Vladimir Kezik graduated from the Physical Faculty of the Moscow State University in 1985. He is currently working at the A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (Moscow, Russia) as a senior researcher. Research interests are acoustic measurements (including vector-phase measurements), development of mathematical models of biophysical objects (and processes) associated with acoustics, general acoustics.

e-mail: vladimirik57(at)