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Sonochemical reactor with non-parametric control for water treatment in the dairy industry
language: Russian
received 24.12.2013, published 29.03.2014
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The article presents a new development of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management - sonochemical reactor for water processing. A mission of sonochemistry is described and her factors that can effectively apply her to the food industry, disclosed. The results of studies of the food sonochemistry described, mainly for technology of dairy industry. Considered the problems of sonochemical reactors, which prevent the use technology of nonparametric amplification of cavitation in the food industry. The project of reactors of the cylindrical wave and nonparametric amplification of cavitation, which can be effectively used for the industrial preparation of the mixtures from dry dairy components proposed and was compared with the known reactors.
Keywords: Sonochemistry, Sonochemical Reactor, Nonparametric Increasing Energy of Cavitation, Thermodynamically Non-equilibrium State of Water and its Relaxation, Hydration of Biopolymers.
8 pages, 2 figures
Сitation: T. Shlenskaya, T. Baulina, O. Krasulya, S. Shestakov. Sonochemical reactor with non-parametric control for water treatment in the dairy industry. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2014, 3.
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Tatiana Shlenskaya - doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the Institute of Technological Management in MSUTM. Research interests: technology of food processing, a products functional, specialized purpose, catering. Author of 25 books, monographs and textbooks, more than 150 scientific articles in leading national and international journals, 33 inventions. |
Tamara Baulina - PhD in biological sciences, associate professor in MSUTM, deputy head of the department of scientific work. Research interests: the technology of functional foods, the development of technology products with non-traditional herbal supplements , technical microbiology . Author of one book and more than 100 scientific publications in Russian and foreign journals. Has 5 of patented inventions. |
Olga Krasulya - doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at MSUTM named KG Razumovsky. Research interests include: technology of meat processing, modeling formulations, development of automated expert systems, applied sonochemistry. Author of three books, 120 articles in industry magazines, 12 patented inventions. |
Sergey Shestakov - doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of MSUTM, Chairman of regional branch of the Russian Acoustical Society. Research interests: Systems analysis and mathematical modeling in the field of ultrasound technology and sonochemistry. Author of scientific discovery in the field of physics, four books and over one hundred scientific papers, has 12 registered software products, 65 inventions. e-mail: sdsh(at) |