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Analysis of oscillations of a spherical cavity located in elastic media
language: Russian
received 05.02.2003, published 04.03.2003
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Oscillations of an empty spherical cavity located in an elastic medium are considered in this paper. The cavity volume remains constant while its center is periodically displaced by the oscillations. The frequency dependence of the amplitude of oscillations caused by the resulting force acting on the cavity walls and occurring due to the wave motion in the medium is analyzed. The possibility of the reso-nance maximum appearance in the frequency dependence of the oscillation response is investigated. All possible elastic parameters corresponding to the materials with the properties including both solid and water-like media and to two types of the boundary conditions such as a slipping sphere and a frozen sphere are employed in the analysis. A comparison with the oscillation characteristics of a pulsating spherical cavity is also presented.
6 pages, 4 figures
Сitation: Yu. M. Zaslavsky. Analysis of oscillations of a spherical cavity located in elastic media. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2003, 8.
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Yuriy Mikhaylovich Zaslavsky graduated radio-physical faculty of N.Novgorod University (1966), doctor of science, leader scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Science. Scientific interests: acoustic and seismic wave propagation and radiation of these waves by coherent vibration sources, generation of seismic waves with sharp space-angle directivity on the base of phase arrays, the seismic signal reception, acoustic probing of heterogeneous in bowels of the earth, developing of the approaches for the enhancement of hydro-carbonates seismic probing efficiency. E-mail: zaslav(at) |