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2008, 13

A. Akhtyamov, G. Garipova

Diagnostics of mechanical system with two degrees of freedom using natural frequencies and amplitudes of vibration

language: Russian

received 30.04.2008, published 20.05.2008

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The mechanical systems consisting of bodies with masses connected by springs are component of many technical structures used in different spheres of man’s activities. It is known that spring constants and generalized masses can change because of structure deterioration. Therefore determination of spring constants and generalized masses is important for verification of reliability of mechanical system. These characteristics usually can be defined after disassembling of the equipment, but it may be dangerous and expensive. Nondestructive acoustic diagnostics using natural frequencies and amplitudes of vibrations is developed lately. In this article the method for determination of spring constants and generalized masses in the mechanical system with two degrees of freedom is proposed. The method uses values of natural frequencies and amplitudes of vibration of mechanical system.

Key words: nondestructive acoustic diagnostics, natural frequencies, amplitudes of vibration, spring constants, generalized masses.

7 pages

Сitation: A. Akhtyamov, G. Garipova. Diagnostics of mechanical system with two degrees of freedom using natural frequencies and amplitudes of vibration. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2008, 13.


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Azamat Akhtyamov - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, the leading researcher at Institute of Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bashkiria, Ufa. Research interests: inverse problems in mechanics of deformable body, inverse spectral problems, mathematical methods in economy.

e-mail: AkhtyamovAM (at)


Gulnara Garipova - student of the Bashkir State University in Ufa. Research interests are inverse spectral problems.

e-mail: GulnaraGI(at)