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Nonlinear dispersion of a three-frequency wave packet in nondispersive quadratically-nonlinear medium. Theory
language: Russian
received 14.08.2005, published 09.09.2005
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Influence of amplitude-phase ratio in an initial spectrum on propagation of a narrow-band three-frequency wave with finite amplitude in quadratically-nonlinear medium without dispersion is considered within a framework of perturbation method. It is shown, that phase-dependent nonlinear additives to the initial waves appear in the third order. This result to phase speed changes of the separate waves in a wavepacket and to disruption of phase synchronism between them. The interaction of nonlinear processes of absorption and dispersion is found. The expression describing local behaviour of the dispersion law in a second approximation is obtained.
16 pages, 6 figures
Сitation: A.M. Gavrilov. Nonlinear dispersion of a three-frequency wave packet in nondispersive quadratically-nonlinear medium. Theory. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2005, 28.
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Aleksander Maksimovich Gavrilov - reader at the Department of acoustics and medical technology, Taganrog State University Of Radioengineering, PhD. e-mail: gavr_am(at) |