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2006, 12

I. Starchenko

Dynamical chaos at propagation of finite amplitude waves in water

language: Russian

received 02.05.2006, published 05.06.2006

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The experimental study of propagation and interaction of finite amplitude acoustical waves in water is presented. The results are analyzed by traditional methods and by methods of nonlinear dynamics. The phase portraits of the system are reconstructed from the experimental data for the different conditions (values of control parameter), which are then compared with theoretical models. The numerical estimations of chaotic character of the system: correlation dimensions and Lyapunov spectrum are calculated.

9 pages, 10 figures

Сitation: I. Starchenko . Dynamical chaos at propagation of finite amplitude waves in water. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2006, 12.


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Irene B. Starchenko - associate professor at Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Taganrog, Russia), PhD. Scientific area: nonlinear hydroacoustics, practical implementations of the dynamical chaos theory, medical information systems.

e-mail: star(at)